International Creative Platform
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Language: French, English, Korean, Persian, Hebrew (With subtitles)
Duration: 1h
Directed by Clara Rousselin
Actors: Gaëlle Malandrone, Myungjin You, Sean Cackoski, Shahriar Sadrolashrafi, Tal Reuveny
Light: Lucien Valles
Sound: LN-VR
Accessory: Aloïs Dumas
"Speech is no longer sufficient, the body must come out into a public space and must express itself through the force of movement."
An immersive piece at the center of which lies a confrontation between a people and its government. Five actors of different nationalities: French, American, Iranian, Israeli and Korean, recount their experiences. Three intertwined entities echo and oppose each other: the pacifist demonstrators, the rioters and the police. All tied by a form of invisible power: the government. The omnipresence oppresses and provokes the characters into a quest for emancipation. Emeute is an exploration of the microcosm of protest, of its communities and their intimacy. The crossed destinies of individuals facing or fueled by the energy and fire of the anger at its core, which engenders movement, agitation and explosive uprising. This project that encourages debate on the freedom to rebel, which questions one’s commitment to protest and breaks the taboo of the legitimacy of violence in the face of oppression.
Artist in Residency 2019:
La Ménagerie de Verre (Studio Lab) - Paris
Le Cart - Sommière
Le TDI - Paris
Artist in Residency 2020:
Centre Paris Anim’ Les Halles Actice - Paris
Teaser Français
Teaser English
Teaser 2
Artist in Residency Report
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